Venue & Check-In

  • Can I buy tickets at the theater?

    No, tickets cannot be purchased at the movie theater's box office. They can only be purchased on our website. To secure your spot, make sure to get your tickets here:
  • Can I give my ticket to someone else if I'm unable to attend?

    Yes! If you’d like someone else to use your tickets instead, you may email or text it to them to use. The name on the ticket does not need to be updated.
  • Do I need my ticket to enter?

    Yes, you MUST bring and display your ticket at the theater for entry. Either digital or printed tickets are valid forms of entry. Please present your ticket to the ticket taker upon arrival.
  • Is closed captioning available for the hearing impaired?

    Most theaters do offer closed captions devices. Please check with the theater to confirm availability.
  • Is it assigned seating?

    Seating is not assigned, so you're free to choose your seats once you're at the theater. Please do not arrive any sooner than 30 minutes prior to your event start time.
  • Where is this movie playing?

    You can find all available theaters and showtimes on the "Theaters" page of our website,
  • Will face masks be required?

    While we hope face masks will not be required (and as of this writing, no theater is requiring masks), it’s possible a theater may re-implement a mask policy. Please check with the theater hosting your event if you have a question about their mask policy. We recommend bringing a mask with you, ju...